Important Hints to the Trace PRO AE driver version 2.00 for Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista

1. System Requirements
2. New Installation
3. Driver Update

4. Driver Uninstall
5. What's new

6. Operation in Windows Vista
7. MME, DirectSound and "Classic MME"
8. Software Sampler and Synthesizers

1. System Requirements

2. New Driver Installation

2.1 Windows 2000

2.2 Windows XP/2003

2.3 Windows Vista

3. Driver Update

3.1 Windows 2000/XP/2003

3.2 Windows Vista

4. Driver Uninstall

You can uninstall the driver software using the program "trpoaeui.exe". The most recent version of this program can you find on the installation disk or in installation package and on the hard disk in the folder "\windows\system32".

4.1 Windows 2000/XP/2003

4.2 Windows Vista

5. What's new

Version 2.00:

Version 1.00:

6. Operation in Windows Vista

7. MME, DirectSound and "Classic MME"

7.1 MME und DirectSound:

Audio applications, who do not use ASIO, GSIF or direct WDM-Audio, now communicate with Microsoft MME or Microsoft DirectSound drivers instead of communicate with the MARIAN drivers directly. The Microsoft drivers in turn communicate with the MARIAN drivers.
For audio applications, who use these Microsoft drivers, apply:

7.2 "Classic MME"
(not available in Windows Vista)

The MARIAN driver enables you to use the MME driver interface of the previous driver versions in addition to all other driver interfaces. From now, we call this interface "Classic MME". You can activate "Classic MME" within the Trace PRO AE Manager "Settings | Audio Options". If this driver interface is active, then you get additional recording and playback devices with the appropriate device lists. These devices have the name suffix "(MME)".
The "Classic MME" device have these advantages:

8. Software Sampler and Synthesizers

Software samplers and synthesizers normally supply MIDI output devices for other audio applications who want to use the software sampler as an instrument. If such an application starts, then normally this application opens the MIDI output devices and this in turn causes the software sampler to initialize its audio engine with the configured audio outputs.

In the described situation the software sampler and the other audio application may conflict, if they use the same audio output. You can use the Trace PRO AE with different audio applications at the same time but never the same output device simultaneously.


Therefore this hint:

The Windows Multimedia System also supplies a software synthesizer called  "Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth". This synthesizer has also a MIDI output port with the same name. Since there is no explicit setup for the output device, the "Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth" always uses the standard playback device configured in "Control Panel | Sounds and Multimedia | Audio".


(c) MARIAN Digital Audio Electronics, Leipzig 09-29-2007