Important Hints to the Trace Out A16 driver version 4.01 for Windows™

1. System Requirements
2. New Installation
3. Driver Update

4. Driver Uninstall

5. Uninstalling an older driver for Windows™ 7 in Windows™ 8.x

6. What's new?

7. Operation in Windows™ Vista, Windows™ 7, Windows™ 8.x, Windows™ 10

8. MME, WDM-Audio and DirectSound

1. System Requirements

2. New Driver Installation

2.1 Windows™ XP/2003

2.3 Windows™ Vista/2008

2.4 Windows™ 7, Windows™ 8.x, Windows™ 10

3. Driver Update

3.1 Windows™ XP/2003

3.2 Windows™ Vista/2008

3.3 Windows™ 7, Windows™ 8.x and Windows™ 10

4. Driver Uninstall

5. Uninstalling an older driver for Windows™ 7 in Windows™ 8

Beginning from driver version v2.50 the MARIAN driver software is compatible with Windows™ 8. Earlier driver version are intended for Windows™ XP to Windows™ 7. In case you tried to install an older Windows™ 7 driver in Windows™ 8, the installation now is incomplete and faulty. Please follow these steps to uninstall the older driver using a special way in order to be able to install the most recent driver afterwards:

6. What's new?

Version 3.09:

Version 4.01:

7. Operation in Windows™ Vista / Windows™ 7 / Windows™ 8.x / Windows™ 10

On Windows™ Vista / Windows™ 7 / Windows™ 8.x / Windows™ 10 audio applications, who do not use ASIO or WSAPI, are not able to set a certain samplerate or sample format. Instead, sample rate and sample format is set in the advanced settings of an audio device in the Windows™ control panel. This leads to the following:

8. MME, WDM-Audio and DirectSound

Audio applications, who do not use ASIO or direct WDM-Audio, now communicate with Microsoft MME or Microsoft WDM Audio drivers instead of communicate with the MARIAN drivers directly. The Microsoft drivers in turn communicate with the MARIAN drivers.
For audio applications, who use these Microsoft drivers, apply:

(c) MARIAN GmbH Digital Audio Electronics, Leipzig 12/20/2017